
Quick Fixes for Clogged and Unflushed Toilets – Tips From Professional Plumbers

You’re staring at a toilet that’s not flushing. Your first thought is to call a plumber, but you might be able to fix the problem on your own—if you know where to look.

In this article, we’ll give you tips from professional plumbers on how to fix a clogged or unflushed toilet. We’ll also teach you how to prevent these problems from happening in the first place. Keep reading to learn more!

How to Diagnose a Toilet That Won't Flush

If your toilet is not flushing like it used to, you may be wondering what the problem could be. Before you call a professional plumbing contractor, there are a few things you can check yourself.

The most common reason a toilet doesn’t flush is that it’s clogged. You can try to clear the clog by plunging the toilet or using a snake. If that doesn’t work, the next step is to determine if the clog is in the toilet bowl or in the drainage pipe.

To do this, pour some water into the bowl and then cover the hole with your hand. If the water level goes down, the clog is in the bowl. If it stays at the same level, the clog is in the drainage pipe.

If you determine that the clog is in the drainage pipe, you’ll need to call a professional plumber to clear it.

Common Toilet Clogs and Their Solutions

There are a few common things that can cause your toilet to clog and not flush properly. Here are some tips from professionals on how to solve the problem fast:

First, check to make sure that there is nothing blocking the toilet’s drainage pipe. If there is, remove the obstruction and try flushing again.

Second, if the water level in the toilet bowl is too high, it can prevent the water from flowing down the drain. Try lowering the water level by adding less water to the bowl each time you flush.

Third, if your toilet has a faulty flapper, it might not close all the way after each flush, which can cause the toilet to overflow. To fix this, replace the flapper valve.

Fourth, if your home has low water pressure, it can also affect how well your toilet flushes. Check your water pressure and see if you need to adjust any of your home’s plumbing fixtures.

Do-It-Yourself Solutions to Fix Non-Flushing Toilets

If your toilet isn’t flushing as it should, your first instinct might be to call a professional plumber. But before you do, there are some things you can check yourself. Here are a few DIY solutions to try:

1. Check to see if the flapper is closed properly. The flapper is part of the toilet that opens and closes when you flush, and if it’s not closing correctly, it can cause the toilet to not flush properly.

2. If the flapper is closed properly, check to see if there’s something blocking the water from flowing into the bowl. This could be anything from toilet paper to a child’s toy.

3. If there’s no blockage and the flapper is closed properly, it might be time to replace your toilet tank ball. This is the small ball that helps regulate the water flow into the bowl.

If you’ve tried all of these solutions and your toilet still isn’t flushing correctly, it might be time to call in a professional plumber

Professional Plumbers

What Plumbers Check When Your Toilet Is Not Flushing

As a DIYer facing a toilet unflushed problem, it may be hard to decide what to check first. As experienced plumbers, here are a few things we tend to look for that can help you diagnose the issue and get your toilet up and running again.

First, we suggest checking the toilet’s fill valve. This is the valve that refills the water tank after it’s been flushed. If it’s leaking or clogged, it won’t be able to fill the tank with enough water, so there won’t be enough water in the bowl when you flush. You can test this by manually filling up the tank with a bucket of water and flushing it to see if there is enough pressure and water in the bowl.

Of course, there are other potential causes of your toilet not flushing properly, such as a clogged drain or faulty flush lever. But these are usually more difficult to identify without assistance from an experienced plumber. So if none of these solutions work for you, don’t hesitate to contact us for professional help!

What to Look Out for Before Calling a Professional Plumber

If you’ve ruled out the easy fixes and the toilet still won’t flush, it could mean there’s an issue with the pipes. Before you call a plumber, there are a few things you can check first. Make sure the plumbing is clear and that any blockages are cleared away. Look for any signs of clogged drains in other parts of your home, as these can often cause blocked toilets as well.

Also, take a look at the flapper valve to see if it’s working properly, and make sure the tank is filling up with water after each flush. If it’s not filling back up, there’s likely an issue with the water supply or a leak in your plumbing system.

Whether it’s a blocked pipe or an issue with the flapper valve, doing these checks beforehand can save you time and money when calling a professional to come to fix your toilet.

Tips to Prevent Clogged and Unflushed Toilets

There are a few tips you can follow to help prevent your toilet from becoming clogged or unflushed in the first place. To start, it’s important that you don’t flush away any objects that will not easily dissolve in water, like paper towels and clothing. You should also be mindful of the amount of toilet paper you use, as too much can cause clogs.

If you have an older toilet model, it might be beneficial to invest in one with a larger-sized drain pipe or higher-flow flushing system. This can help prevent slow draining and flushing. Additionally, it’s also a good idea to avoid using products like drain cleaning chemicals and caustic cleaners. These types of products can damage pipes and make them more likely to become blocked. Finally, make sure you regularly inspect the condition of your pipes to ensure they’re clear and free from debris or blockage.


In short, here are the main things to check if your toilet is not flushing:

-The flapper: this is the most common problem and is easy to fix. All you need to do is replace the flapper

-The flush valve: this is the part that opens and releases the water when you flush

-The water level: if the water level is too high or low, it can prevent the toilet from flushing

-The siphon jet: this is the small hole in the toilet that the water comes out of

-The drainage: the drainage can become blocked if too much hair or toilet paper accumulates

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