
Hidden Health Threats: Causes and Prevention of Blocked Drains

Blocked drains or Clogged drains are not only an inconvenience, they can also pose a serious health risk. When drains become blocked, they often trap water and waste inside, creating an ideal environment for bacterial growth. If left untreated, these dangerous bacteria can spread through the air, leading to serious health problems such as respiratory infections and even lung damage.

This is why it’s important to be aware of the causes of clogged drains. It is also important to know how to spot the warning signs early, so that you can take action before it becomes a major problem. In this article, we will discuss what causes blocked drains and how you can prevent them from happening in the first place. We will also discuss some of the most common symptoms of clogged drains and what you should do if you suspect that your drain is blocked.

What Causes Clogged Drains?

Clogged drains are one of the most serious home maintenance issues, yet many people don’t know what causes them or how to prevent them. Knowing the potential causes of clogged drains can go a long way towards keeping your family safe from related health risks.

The most common cause of clogged drains is the accumulation of various debris over time, including food scraps, fatty oils and grease, hair, detergent residue, and flushing inappropriate materials such as cigarette butts or baby wipes down the toilet. Other factors such as clogs caused by tree roots or shifting in the pipes can also contribute to clogged drains.

Left unaddressed, these clogs can not only affect the functionality of your plumbing system but can also present a variety of health risks. The buildup of bacteria in blocked pipes can lead to unpleasant odors that could be inhaled or even contaminate food and drinks stored nearby. Additionally, standing water caused by a blockage presents an ideal breeding ground for pests such as mosquitos and rodents. Therefore, it’s important to recognize warning signs and take steps to prevent and treat blocked drains in order to avoid potential health hazards

Health Risks of Blocked Drains

Blocked drains can lead to costly and even dangerous health risks. The build-up of stagnant water and waste can cause a breeding ground for germs, bacteria, viruses, and other disease-causing organisms. These contaminants can then be released as a mist or aerosol, causing individuals to breathe in these microorganisms and become sick.

What’s more, clogged drains can lead to the contamination of drinking water supplies. When wastewater overflows from blocked drains into rivers, lakes, or groundwater sources the contaminants present in the overflow mix with the clean drinking water source, leading to potentially dangerous levels of pollutants such as e-coli, coliform bacteria, and heavy metals.

If left untreated, clogged drains can also cause severe damage to infrastructure. When they become backed up they force water out of them which can pose a risk to any low-lying areas or structures that are nearby

Pipe relining

Plumbing Maintenance to Prevent Blocked Drains

You can take preventive steps to keep your drains from blocking up, saving you both money and health risks. The most important action is to commit to regular plumbing maintenance.

Avoid Clogs

Run hot water through your sink drains regularly to help remove grease, soap, and other residue that can clog the pipes. You should also avoid putting certain items down the drain such as cooking oil, coffee grounds, and dental floss.

Be Vigilant

Look out for signs that your drains are becoming blocked such as slow draining, gurgling noises in the pipes, or a strange odor coming from your plumbing fixtures. If you notice any of these problems, act quickly before they become more serious.

Clear Your Drains

If you have regularly maintained your drains but are still encountering blockages then it may be time to call a professional plumber for assistance with clearing them out. Plumbers can use tools such as plungers and augers to unclog the pipes without doing major damage.

Common Tools Required for Unblocking Drains

Whether you’re dealing with a slow-draining pipe or an entirely blocked-off drain, there are a few home tools you’ll need to fix the problem. Being prepared with these items ensures you have the best chance of fixing the issue yourself and avoiding the health risks associated with blocked drains.

These are some of the most common tools required for unblocking drains:

– Plunger: Plungers are one of the easiest tools to use when it comes to unblocking a drain. They work by forcing air into pipes, dislodging any stuck objects or build-up within them.

– Auger: An auger is a long, coiled cable device that can reach deep into pipes, allowing you to snake through any blockages and break them up. It’s important to note that augers should only be used on metal pipes, as they can damage plastic ones.

– Drain Cleaner: Drain cleaners are chemical solutions designed to break up oil and grease residue inside pipes. These cleaners come in either liquid or granular form and should be used according to manufacturer instructions for maximum effectiveness and safety.

blocked drains

What to Do When DIY Fails

When DIY methods fail to unclog blocked drains, you’ll need the help of a professional plumber. clogged drains can lead to big problems if left untreated, such as damaged pipes and even health risks if contaminated water is able to escape.

Here are some tips on how to pick the right plumber:

1. Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors who have recently had a similar problem.

2. Vet potential plumbers by checking their qualifications and reviews online.

3. Get multiple quotes so you can compare prices and services offered before making a decision.

4. Check that the plumber is insured so any potential damages will be covered if the job doesn’t go as planned.

5. Ask if they offer maintenance services such as regular drain cleaning or pipe repairs in order to keep your system running effectively for longer periods of time.

For plumbing issues that are too big for DIY fixes, it’s important to research plumbers before making a hire – doing so will save you time and money in the long run!

Professional Services From Best Service Plumbing

A blocked drain is no laughing matter. Not only can it cause significant damage to your home, it can also pose a risk to your health and well-being. Luckily for you, there’s Best Service Plumbing!

We specialize in professional services that are designed to keep your drains free-flowing and in optimal condition. Our certified experts will help identify the root cause of the blockage and provide efficient and reliable solutions that are tailored to suit your unique needs.

When calling on Best Service Plumbing for help with a blocked drain, rest assured that we will:

– Use state-of-the-art technology for thorough inspection of your pipes

– Employ powerful methods such as hydro jetting, rodding, snaking or auguring to clear tough clogs

– Provide advice on how to minimize future blockages by avoiding potential causes like grease buildup, soaps and detergents, feminine hygiene products and more

– Utilize eco-friendly techniques whenever possible

– Thoroughly clean up after each job so you won’t have any post-job messes to deal with.

With Best Service Plumbing at hand, you can be sure that any blocked drains in your home will be cleared of debris quickly and safely!


All in all, blocked drains can create health hazards that are often not immediately visible, but can carry serious risks. Accumulated debris, mold, and bacteria can all cause health issues, ranging from respiratory difficulties and skin irritation to more serious infections like Salmonella. Fortunately, prevention is possible with regular routine maintenance of the plumbing system and by utilizing certified professionals to ensure the job is done correctly. Taking these steps will help ensure you and your family are safe from these dangerous health risks.

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